Text or Call Sunny for Quote: 617-335-5582 or info@BostonAudioRentals.com

Platinum Package

4 QSC K12.2 Speakers, 2 QSC KW181 Sub-bass, DJM 900, 2 CDJ 2000, Nexus, 30 Wireless Up-lights, 4 H1 Pin Spots, 4 movers, 4 Trussing system with dress kits, 3 Shure Wireless SM58 Mics, QSC I Touch Mixer, Laptop Stand, 2 65″ Samsung 4k TV, Dry Ice Machine, Boom stand, 2 Custom Gobo Lights, White Dress Kits, On-site technician (in formal attire) if needed. All required stands and cords.